A new Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Title Update is now available on PC and Nintendo Switch, introducing new content, features, options, and quality of life improvements in the latest entry of the successful series by CAPCOM.
Title Update 4, as detailed last week, introduces new content in the form of new monsters, such as the Elder Dragon Velkhana and Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax, an increased level cap for Anomaly Investigations, new weapons and gear, and more.
New Story Elements
The new Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Title Update also introduces a new 3D Audio option in the PC version of the game as well as tons of bug fixes and balance adjustments. You can find the full update notes on the game's official website.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is now available on PC and Nintendo Switch worldwide. You can learn more about the expansion to one of the best entries in the series by checking out my review of the PC version.
With its huge number of new and returning monsters, new gameplay mechanics, and great refinements to the formula, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is the massive expansion that the latest entry in the series deserved to get. While the jump from High Rank to Master Rank doesn't feel as big as it was in previous entries in the series, Sunbreak does so many things well that most of the hunters traveling to Elgado and the Citadel will hardly be bothered by it.
The post Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Title Update 4 Introduces 3D Audio Option On PC, New Content And More by Francesco De Meo appeared first on Wccftech.