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Leni: “What I’m offering…” All: “… no one wants.”

Presidential aspirant and Vice President Leni Robredo says that what she’s offering is different from what BBM is offering which is transformative politics and she disdains patronage politics. In other words, she is offering a brand of politics which she said is not bad.

Political blogger named Cocky Rocky can’t help but point out Leni Robredo’s nerve to project herself as transformative and unifying leader when her entire platform has always been contrarian to anyone outside her political circle. Rocky lamented that Leni as VP dedicated most of her time being anti-Digong. And now as presidential candidate, Leni’s campaign is anchored on being anti-Marcos.

Meanwhile, Rocky slammed Leni Robredo’s PR team for being ignorant and incompetent. Why? Because they don’t it that BBM’s message and platforms are what sells to the public. He argued if Leni Robredo’s team are competent, they would have known that copying BBM’s strategy is good for their candidate, not run counter to it.

Leni: “What I’m offering…”

All: “… no one wants.”

It’s like she’s obsessed with BBM. She just won’t stop mentioning his name every chance she gets. Crushie?

How can she be transformative and unifying when her entire platform has always been contrarian to anyone outside her political circle? All her time as VP was spent hating on Digong. And now, she is repeating this same divisive behavior by running a presidential campaign hinged on being anti-Marcos.

Also, how ignorant and incompetent are her campaign, communications and research teams? I mean for real. Don’t they know that BBM’s messaging and platforms are what sells? Everyone wants what BBM is offering. So she should parallel or even mimic not run counter to them.

Finally, what in the world does “yung pulitika hindi masama” even mean? 🙄

Here’s a comment from a netizen but an eye-opener for Robredo’s campaign team.

There, malinaw. Kaya ayaw din sayo talaga ng mga tao kasi nga, from what you said, yours is so different from BBM. And BBM’s brand of politics & leadership and his whole body of work as a public servant, even his platforms that he wants to pursue when he becomes President is really different, his talks about long term progress while addressing immediate problems that needs modern solutions, elevating way of life for everybody…while yours is just, well, maintaining the poor with ayuda mentality. Excellence (BBM) vs Mediocrity (leni).I encourage everybody here to watch BBM’s recent live interviews from respected vloggers and you’ll see how clear, consistent & inspiring his platforms are, and also well-communicated, well-explained.


Source: Cocky Rocky

The post Leni: “What I’m offering…” All: “… no one wants.” appeared first on Pinoy Trending News.

Leni: “What I’m offering…” All: “… no one wants.”
Source: Trend Philippines News

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