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Bloodborne Modder Comes in Hard at David Jaffe Regarding Yesterday’s Bloodborne PS5 Remaster, PC Version Claim

bloodborne ps5 remaster pc

Lance McDonald, known Souls miner and the guy behind the unofficial BloodBorne 60FPS patch, has taken to Twitter to criticize David Jaffe about yesterday's rumor about Sony releasing a Bloodborne PS5 Remaster or PC version.

Yesterday, the creator of the original God of War and Twisted Metal series, David Scott Jaffe, released a new video on YouTube in which he said that Sony is working on a Bloodborne PS5 version or PC port. He also said that the game would be present at Sony's rumored PlayStation showcase later this month. As you might have guessed, these claims went viral, and we now have Lance McDonald coming in quite hard at Jaffe for spreading unfounded rumors. In his tweet, the Souls miner and leaker said that Jaffe has fallen from his, once, high place, and currently doesn't have actual insides sources.

"It’s so sad to see David Jaffe, the man who made God of War, has fallen so far from his place in the industry that he’s resorted to regurgitating baseless rumors he heard from content creators for clout", McDonald wrote on Twitter some hours ago. He added, "The dude doesn’t even have any actual inside sources anymore. Pathetic."

As expected, the always-expressive Jaffe responded to McDonald's tweet by saying that his 'info' comes from a reporter who often proves to be spot on with her info.

"It's only sad to you because you seem to like making video games", Jaffe replied in a tweet. "Towards the end, I hated it and love what I'm doing now so much more. If I still wanted to be making games, I would agree. It sucks to have a job that you don't adore. Glad I got out of making games, honestly."

In a follow-up tweet, the God of War creator added, "It's not 'insider knowledge'. It's just a fucking reporter who tells me shit sometimes and she's been right whenever she shares shit. It's not some badge of honor or anything; she told me, said if I don't give her name I can tell people. That's all there is/was to it."

In a new video, Jaffe later clarified his reply and clarified what he meant with his claims about a PS5/PC version of Bloodborne.

So, will we be getting a Bloodborne PS5 remaster or PC port? As it turns out, Jaffe merely heard about it from an unnamed reporter who is said to be accurate when it comes to leaks.

We'll keep you updated as soon as more information about this matter comes in. For now, stay tuned.

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