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Netizen says Manny Pacquiao is a good person but like electing Popes, Cardinals don’t elect most virtuous, but the most capable

Manila Bulletin writer Krizette Laureta Chu has written a a brilliant argument why Senator Manny Pacquiao is not to be taken seriously among the three who have declared their intention to run for president.

Chu wrote:

Do I think Manny is a bad person? No. I think among the declared candidates Isko is the most un-kind and insincere. Leni is the most overwhelmed and out of her league and flailing. Ping is the most terrifying and jaded because he knows his way around.

Chu thinks Manny is a good person and someone who has good intentions.

I think Manny is a good person (and when I say good I don’t mean not judgmental and not a randy horny guy who has side chicks…. I mean someone who has good intentions).

I think he earnestly believes he can make a difference, but it’s never enough to be led by someone good, Chu clarified.

Chu used the analogy of choosing a new Pope to electing the Philippine president. According to Chu, the newest Pope is chosen not because he is the most virtuous but he is the most capable in handling the Catholic church. In other words, choosing a Philippine president does not mean we elect a good person with good intention but someone capable.

When the Cardinals vote for a Pope—and Kung meron man isang job sa world where being good should be the top priority—they don’t look for the most virtuous because they assume all the Cardinals must already be good. They look for one who can handle the Catholic Church because their background reflects the needs of the church at a certain point in its history. There’s also politicking and popularity, even in the choosing of Popes.

We already should assume that all Presidential candidates want the best for us, and we should only choose na lang who is the most capable to put that intention into action, Chu wrote.

Chu conceded that Manny Pacquiao has good intentions — but good intentions is not enough to win a war so you need to train him like you train soldiers before sending them to war.

Manny Pacquiao has good intentions—but when you send a soldier to war, you don’t send him with just a prayer in his heart. You train him so that he knows the best of combat so he has a higher chance of victory.

Chu said presidents like soldiers need training in combat because presidents will face different kinds of wars and many more complex things Manny can hardly pronounce.

Presidents too need to be trained in combat, in the field of international relations, economics, project management, conflict resolution and many many many more complex things that Manny cannot even pronounce.

Once again, Chu conceded that Manny is the kindest among the declared candidates but intellectually, he is the most ill-equipped.

So yes, among all of them I think Manny is the kindest, but intellectually he is also the most ill equipped because he concentrated more on his boxing career than on his academic one.

Chu argued that a vote for Manny is a vote for Koko Pimentel – the guy who had covid but still broke the IATF protocols.

If you vote for Manny, you are not voting for Manny—you are voting for Koko Pimentel—the guy who had Covid and still went to crowded places. If you wouldn’t vote for Koko, don’t vote for Manny.

Manny doesn’t know how to manage his own fortune, how will he manage an entire country’s war chest? Chu asked.

Chu went on to argue further why Manny Pacquiao isn’t fit to become the country’s next leader.

The Presidency isn’t just about mendicancy. It’s not about making people line up and wait for P1,000, or a free house.

When a foreign country invades us or treats our OFWs wrong, you don’t go to that country and offer to give them money to show kindness to us. You don’t treat terrorists who have extreme ideologies by offering money.

And his supporters need to know that when he becomes President, Manny won’t be doling out money like that every day for a 100 million Filipinos.

Chu remarked that Manny’s supporters need to understand that the Presidency is much more complex than handing out dole outs to 100m Filipinos.

His supporters need to know that the Presidency isn’t about this. You may watch the video by clicking the link below.


Source: KLC Happy Thoughts and Cellphone Repair

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